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- 17/01/2025: Our paper entitled "Multi-user Sunlight-based Modulation Downlink System using Dual-Cell Liquid Crystal Shutter", has been accepted for publications at IEEE ICC.
- 26/12/2024: Our paper entitled "Gradient Compression and Correlation Driven Federated Learning for Wireless Traffic Prediction", has been accepted for publications at IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
- 21/12/2024: Our paper entitled "Data Rate and Illumination Performance of Sunlight Modulation Systems Using DLS" has been accepted for publications at IEEE WCNC.
- 30/08/2024: Our paper entitled "Real-Time Freezing of Gait Detection: Harnessing Advanced AI for Better Mobility", has been accepted for publications at IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services.
- 30/07/2024: Our paper entitled "On the Beyond of Wi-Fi Era", has been accepted for publications at Communications and Networks-Wireless Communications Journal.
- 17/07/2024: Our paper entitled "Empowering Cognitive City Wireless Communication Vision", has been accepted for publications at the IEEE Smart Mobility Conference.
- 05/07/2024: Our paper entitled "Graph Neural Networks Empowered Origin-Destination Learning for Urban Traffic Prediction", has been accepted for publications at Transactions on Intelligence Technology.
- 28/06/2024: Our paper entitled "End-to-End Uplink Performance Analysis of Satellite-Based IoT Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach", has been accepted for publications at the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 11/06/2024: Our paper entitled "An In-Depth Survey on Virtualization Technologies in 6G Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks", has been accepted for publications at the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 23/05/2024: Our paper entitled "Synopsis: a Scalable Byzantine Distributed Ledger for IoT Networks", has been accepted for publications at the IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications.
- 15/05/2024: Muyao Chen successfully completed the Master defense and will be a software developer in star-net company in China
- 12/05/2024: Our paper entitled "Tethered UAV-Based Communications for Under-Connected Near-Shore Maritime Areas", has been accepted for publications at the IEEE BlackSea Conference.
- 31/01/2024: Our paper entitled "Intelligent Wearable Systems: Opportunities and Challenges in Health and Sports", has been accepted for publications at ACM Computing Surveys.
- 24/12/2023: Our paper entitled "A Molecular-based Authentication and Authorization for Internet of Things Systems", has been accepted for publication at IEEE WCNC, 2024.
- 16/11/2023: Our work on Hyperloop communications has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.
- 13/09/2023: Our paper entitled "Data Center-Enabled High Altitude Platforms: A Green Computing Alternative", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- 12/09/2023: Our paper entitled "On the Outage Performance of Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks in the 3D Poisson Field", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- 06/09/2023: Our paper entitled "Opportunistic Mobile Networks Content Delivery for Important but Non-Urgent Traffic", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Access.
- 25/07/2023: Our paper entitled “Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces Assisted Hyperloop Wireless Communication Network”, has been accepted at the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- 01/06/2023: Our paper entitled "Sun-Fi: Architecting Glass for Sunlight Data Transmission", has been accepted at the IEEE Communication Magazine, 2023.
- 10/05/2023: Guoqing Ma completed the PhD defense and will join the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- 20/03/2023: Our paper entitled "How to Leverage High Altitude Platforms in Green Computing?", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Communication Magazine, 2023.
- 01/03/2023: Our paper entitled "Analysis and Design of Hyperloop Communication Network Based on QoS Requirements", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Smart Mobility Conference, 2023.
- 04/02/2023: Our paper entitled "Few-shot News Recommendation via Cross-lingual Transfer", has been accepted for publication at the ACM Web Conference, 2023.
- 19/01/2023: Our paper entitled "Delay Analysis of Multi-Hop Satellite-Terrestrial Networks with Hybrid RF/FSO Links", has been accepted for publication at IEEE ICC 2023.
- 08/01/2023: Our paper entitled "Boosting Generic Visual-Linguistic Representation with Dynamic Contexts," has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
- 01/12/2022: Our paper entitled "Rate-Splitting and Common Message Decoding in Hybrid Cloud/Mobile Edge Computing Networks," has been accepted for publication at IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Rate Splitting For Future Wireless Networks.
- 15/11/2022: Our work on smart windows that can polarize sunlight has been highlighted by KAUST Insight.
- 01/11/2022: Our work on smart windows that can polarize sunlight has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.
- 18/08/2022: Our paper entitled "Design and Analysis of LCD-based Modulator for Passive Sunlight Communications", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Photonics Journal
- 29/06/2022: Our paper entitled "Paving the Way for Distributed Artificial Intelligence over the Air", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 10/05/2022: Our paper entitled "Proactive Traffic Offloading in Dynamic Integrated Multi-Satellite Terrestrial Networks", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- 06/05/2022: Our paper entitled "Smart Buildings Enabled by 6G Communications", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
- 13/04/2022: Our paper entitled "Efficient Wireless Traffic Prediction at the Edge: A Federated Meta-Learning Approach, has been accepted for publication at IEEE Communications Letters.
- 05/04/2022: Liang Zhang completed the PhD defense and will join Huawei.
- 04/04/2022: Our paper entitled "EMF-Aware Probabilistic Shaping Design for Hardware Distorted Communication Systems", has been accepted for publication at Frontiers in Communications and Networks: Communications Theory.
- 03/04/2022: Sahar Ammar completed the Master defense and will continue the PhD at KAUST
- 29/03/2022: Our paper entitled "Revolutionizing Optical Wireless Communications via Smart Optics", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 17/03/2022: Zhirui Lu completed the Master defense and will join Tencent, China.
- 17/03/2022: Our paper entitled “Lessons from the Commercial Failure of Project Loon for 6G Research Roadmap Design”, has been accepted for publication at Frontiers in Communications and Networks: Aerial and Space Networks.
- 02/02/2022: Our paper entitled "Big Communications: Connect the Unconnected", has been accepted for publication at Frontiers in Communications and Networks: Networks.
- 06/01/2022: Our paper entitled "Channel Characterization of IRS-based Visible Light Communication Systems". has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- 10/12/2021: Our paper entitled "Heterogeneous Traffic Offloading in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network", has been accepted at IEEE Access.
- 19/11/2021: Our paper entitled "Pre-6G Graduate Education of Communications Engineering", has been accepted for publication at Frontiers in Communications and Networks: section Wireless Communications.
- 8/11/2021: Our paper entitled "Energy-Aware Underwater Optical System with Combined Solar Cell and SPAD Receiver" has been accepted at IEEE Communications Letters.
- 21/10/2021: Our paper entitled "On Outage Performance of Terahertz Wireless Communication Systems", has been accepted at the IEEE Transactions on Communications
- 16/10/2021: Our paper entitled "Hyperloop Communications: Challenges, Advances, and Approaches", has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 09/09/2021: Our paper entitled "A Power Saving Scheme for IEEE 802.15.3d THz Wireless Communication Links", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- 03/09/2021: Our paper entitled "Information-Theoretic Analysis of OFDM with Subcarrier Number Modulation", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- 24/08/2021: Our paper entitled "On the Capacity of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted MIMO Symbiotic Communications", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- 05/08/2021: Our work on wireless divided attention has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.
- 02/07/2021: Our paper entitled "On Telecommunication Service Imbalance and Infrastructure Resource Deployment", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- 28/06/2021: Our paper entitled "Cloud-Enabled High-Altitude Platform Systems: Challenges and Opportunities", has been accepted for publication at Frontiers in Communications and Networks: Wireless Communications.
- 23/06/2021: Our work on Viruses as communication molecules has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.
- 16/06/2021: Our paper entitled "Accelerate Monte Carlo Simulation for Probability Measures by an Interrupt Mechanism", has been accepted for publications at IEEE Communications Letters.
- 13/06/2021: Shuping Dang joined University of Bristol as a Lecturer
- 10/06/2021: Our paper entitled "Modeling Co-Channel Interference in the THz Band", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- 28/05/2021: Our paper entitled "Opportunistic Routing for Opto-Acoustic Internet of Underwater Things", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- 10/05/2021: Our paper entitled "Viral Aerosol Concentration Characterization and Detection in Bounded Environments", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications as a Infectious Diseases Special Issue.
- 20/04/2021: Our paper entitled "Energy-Efficient Trajectory Optimization for UAV-Assisted IoT Networks", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- 13/04/2021: Our paper entitled "When Probabilistic Shaping Realizes Improper Signalling for Hardware Distortion Mitigation", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Communications
- 01/04/2021: Our paper entitled "Networking Research for the Arab World: From Regional Initiatives to Potential Global Impact", has been accepted for publication at the Communications of ACM, Special Issue on Arab World Region.
- 31/03/2021: Maha AlAslani completed the PhD defense.
- 18/03/2021: Our paper entitled "The Optimal and the Greedy: Drone Association and Positioning Schemes for Internet of UAVs", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- 05/12/2020: Our paper entitled "Dual Attention-Based Federated Learning for Wireless Traffic Prediction", has been accepted for publication at IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom).
- 28/11/2020: Our paper entitled "Visible Light Communications via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Metasurfaces vs Mirror arrays", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 03/11/2020: Our paper entitled "An Empirical Analysis of the Progress in Wireless Communication Generations", has been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous).
- 14/10/2020: Our paper entitled "Power Allocation for Relayed OFDM with Index Modulation Assisted by Artificial Neural Network", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- 13/08/2020: Our paper entitled "Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network: Outage Performance Analysis", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- 12/08/2020: Our paper entitled "Topology Optimization for 6G Networks: A Network Information-Theoretic Approach", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine.
- 24/07/2020: Our paper entitled "A Memory-Oriented MAC-Layer Design for Future IoT Systems", has been accepted for publication at Ad Hoc Networks Journal.
- 29/06/2020: Our paper entitled "Relay Assisted OFDM with Subcarrier Number Modulation in Multi-Hop Cooperative Networks", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- 15/05/2020: Our paper entitled "Energy-Efficient Fixed-Gain AF Relay Assisted OFDM with Index Modulation", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- 05/05/2020: Our paper entitled "Modeling of Viral Aerosol Transmission and Detection", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- 14/04/2020: Our paper entitled "A Journey from Improper Gaussian Signalling to Asymmetric Signalling", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
- 13/04/2020: Our paper entitled "Latency-Aware Offloading in Integrated Satellite Terrestrial Networks", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
- 18/03/2020: Our paper entitled "A Software-Defined Opto-Acoustic Network Architecture for Internet of Underwater Things", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Communications Magazine.
- 04/03/2020: Our paper entitled "Aqua-Fi: Delivering Internet Underwater using Wireless Optical Networks", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Communications Magazine: Design and Implementation of Devices, Circuits, and Systems Series.
- 21/02/2020: Our paper entitled "Rethinking Blockchain Integration with the Industrial Internet of Things", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Internet of Things Magazine: Special issue on Blockchain-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things: Advances, Applications, and Challenges.
- 07/02/2020: Our work on 6G networks has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.
- 26/01/2020: Our paper entitled "Spectral Efficiency and Energy Harvesting in Multi-cell SLIPT Systems", has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- 15/01/2020: Our paper entitled "SoftFG: A Dynamic Load Balancer for Soft Reconfiguration of Wireless Data Centers", has been accepted for publication at IEEE WCNC.
- 03/01/2020: Our paper entitled "Enhanced Huffman Coded OFDM with Index Modulation", has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication.
- 04/08/2019: Our work on communication via breath has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery
- 21/04/2019: Amer Alghadhban completed the PhD defense
- 12/07/2018: Abdullah Alhalafi completed the PhD defense.
- 31/05/2018: Chun Pong Lau completed the PhD defense.
- 19/02/2018: Ismail AlQerm completed the PhD defense.
- 14/09/2017: Our work on video transmission in underwater wireless optical communications system has been highlighted by KAUST Discovery.